World Champion athlete calls for more tracks in Wexford to support upcoming talent

Following on from her win in the W40 1500 metres at the World Masters Championships in Gothenburg, a Kilmore athlete and coach spoke to Alan Corcoran on Morning Mix.

Fiona Kehoe spoke about the pool of talent in Wexford at the moment and said that she is excited about the prospects for the next Olympics in LA.

However, Ms Kehoe expressed some concerns over the lack of facilities in the region stating that the track in Enniscorthy is insufficient for demand in the County:

“We need another track. We have one, it’s a great facility to have but if I go up there with my kids on a Saturday morning its inundated with clubs just trying to get an hour on the track.”

Plans were published in June 2024 for a sports complex in Gorey to include a community sports building with indoor courts; outdoor cricket field, athletics track and hockey pitch.

Wexford Senator Malcolm Byrne says that the new complex will have a running track that will compliment the one already in Enniscorthy:

“I agree with Fiona. I think it’s very important that we invest in our sporting infrastructure, including running tracks. We do have a plan in Gory for a multi-use sporting facility. This facility will be available to everyone and will support those elite athletes, those like Fiona who want to get to the top of their sport.”

He went on to say that he hopes the new development at St. Walerans will begin construction early next year.

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