Wexford Motorist clocked at 184KM/Hr in an 80KM Zone

A total of 38 drivers were arrested for drink or drug driving from December 1st to January 6th in Wexford.

It comes as 939 people were arrested for drink or drug driving during the Garda Christmas Road Safety Campaign.

The campaign spanned from November 29th to January 6th, and saw gardaí conduct nearly 10 thousand checkpoints.

More than 13 thousand drivers were caught speeding, with one Wexford motorist detected travelling 144km/hr in a 60km/hr zone on the N11 in Wexford and another at 184km/hr in an 80km/hr zone on the R731 in Rathnure

During the length of the campaign, 17 people died on Irish roads, while there were 85 serious collisions.

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