Wexford Gardaí are once again warning people to be vigilant of bogus tradespeople calling to their doors.
The latest scam being reported to Gardaí is people calling to doors offering roof repairs and garden maintenance.Gardaí are warning the elderly in particular to contact them immediately if they are suspicious of someone calling to their door.
Wexford Sergeant Margo Kennedy says these criminals are targetting vulnerable people in local communities and gave this advice. “If a person calls to your door offering you professional trade services or selling goods and you are worried they are not bona fide, tell the caller that you never employ trades people or buy goods from people who ‘cold call’ to your door. Ask for a brochure or documentation so you can carry out checks and verify their credibility. This should include a contact number and a V.A.T registered number. Be careful of documentation that only displays mobile contact numbers or incomplete addresses. If you are satisfied that the company or individual(s) are credible and you want to make a purchase, ask for an itemised written quotation for the exact goods/services being offered. Never rely of the accuracy of the information, always verify the information yourself. Always seek comparable estimates for services. Never engage a person who insists on a cash payment as it is untraceable. Never leave strangers, even bona fide workers, unsupervised in your home.”