Wexford Gardaí appeal to motorists: Never drive without insurance

Gardaí in Gorey have reiterated that it is an offence to drive without insurance.

A car was stopped by Gorey Roads Policing Unit for a speeding offence on National Slow Down Day (Monday 2nd September).

It was then discovered that the Ford Fiesta was uninsured.

It also emerged that the learner driver was driving unaccompanied with no  L-plates displayed.

To top it off, the motor tax on the vehicle was out by seven months.

Gardaí appealed to motorists to ensure that their insurance is up to date following the discovery of this vehicle.

Fines and penalty points were issued to the driver. The vehicle was detained under Section 41 of the Road Traffic Act.

The driver will appear in court before a judge to explain why they were driving without insurance.



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