Wexford Fire Service team up with Friends of Firefighters New York for charity cycle

A group of firefighters from the Wexford Fire Service are teaming up with some of their American counterparts to cycle for charity.

45 of the ‘Friends of Firefighters New York’, will travel here for the cycle, which begins in Dublin on September 9th, and will conclude in Kinsale on September 11th.

It is hoped that the event will raise some vital funds for the Aoibheann’s Pink Tie charity.

Andrew Walsh of Wexford Fire Service explained the cyclists’ route, which includes Wexford, saying “Our stage will happen from Gorey, all the way down as far as New Ross. We’ve changed the route a little bit now, so that it’s going to be coming down the Wexford Road, and turning in and heading out towards the bypass, over the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Bridge, in and around and back into New Ross – where we’re hopefully going to have a civic reception for these 45 American firefighters.”

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