Wexfordʼs ʽNot Around Usʼ Extends Further With Businesses Encouraged To Become Supporters

Healthy Wexford has announced further extension of the ‘Not Around Us’ initiative as businesses and tourism venues can show their affiliation to the initiative and pledge their support by extending the ask to their patrons not to smoke or vape around young people at their premises.

Healthy Wexford lead the campaign for Not Around Us in Wexford, in partnership and collaboration with Wexford Comhairle Na nÓg, HSE, Wexford CYPSC, WWETB, Wexford County Council, Wexford LCDC, FDYS, Sports Active Wexford, Wexford GAA, Leinster Rugby, & Wexford FAI. Chair of Wexford’s Healthy County Committee Cllr John Hegarty explained ‘‘Not Around Us commenced in Wexford in 2021 and since then we have worked with clubs and groups to spread the ‘Not Around Us’ ask of making their spaces smoke and vape free spaces for children and young people. Extending to supporting events in 2023 saw the campaign progress and today with the opportunity for businesses to deem themselves supporters shows the momentum and support for the initiative which is heavily driven by the young people of Wexford Comhairle Na nÓg’.

Speaking of the extension to business Healthy County Coordinator Annette Dupuy said ‘The extension to business is a natural progression as we work to protect children and young people from second hand smoke exposure and to de-normalise smoking and vaping for children and young people. Ultimately, we want ‘Not Around Us’ to be the norm in Wexford and today’s extension is a further step in that direction’

To date the campaign has over 80 supporting locations including sporting facilities, youth spaces, community centres, schools, playgrounds, libraries and beaches. It is hoped that the opportunity for businesses to show their support for the campaign will extend this further and make outdoor smoke and vape free spaces for children and young people the norm in Wexford.

Businesses can sign up online and will be provided with outdoor signage and window stickers indicating their support of the campaign. Imagery will also be available for businesses to highlight their support via their websites and social media. For further information about Wexford’s ‘Not Around Us’ and for businesses to sign up see https://www.bit.ly/NotAroundUs

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