Two major blood groups in short supply as Irish Blood Transfusion Service visits Enniscorthy this Sunday

It has emerged that the Irish Blood Transfusion Service are unusually short of the two big blood groups, O Positive and A Positive.

These blood groups represent three quarters of the population and O positive at the moment is on three days supply and A positive  is just over four days supply.

Speaking to South East Radio News, Stephen Cousins, the National Donor Services Manager, said it’s vital that post-Christmas, donors are needed to help them recover supplies

There are a number of challenges with this with sickness and the weather impacting people from donating.

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service are asking that where possible people donate at their local clinic which from Sunday is in Enniscorthy in the Riverside Park Hotel.

Donors can 1-800-222-111 to make an appointment and regular donors connect your appointment online using the appointment system.

Walk in’s will be welcome though it is advised to make an appointment

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