The worst type of humanity in Wexford

Owner & proprietor of Red Books in Wexford Town Wally O’Neill says the worst type of humanity is present in Wexford town. It comes as Mr O Neill has witnessed an epidemic which he feels is being overlooked.

“Benzodiazepines” are drugs that were more commonly known as prescription drugs and they are are openly and readily available to all and are being overlooked according to Mr O Neill.

The drugs are coming in predominantly from Dublin, (tablets like Tranax &  Xanax)  which  traditionally would have been seen as something to treat anxiety, to treat insomnia and to treat depression.  They’re being manufactured in Dublin by gangs and being purchased for 70 cent per tablet then they’re being taken down to Wexford and sold for €2 per tablet.

According to Mr O Neill the most insidious thing about this is the people who are bringing these down are targeting people with anxiety issues. People who wouldn’t dream of  taking a line of cocaine. They wouldn’t dream of taking heroin. They’re not criminals. This is the girl working down the chipper on the Saturday night who might be feeling depressed. This is the the young lad playing hurling who’s broken up with his girlfriend.  This is school kids that they are targeting. This is a very cheap drug. They’re saying this will cure your depression, this will cure your anxiety. You don’t have to go to a doctor. You don’t have to join the queues for mental health services.

Mr O Neill has seen the side effects of this drug and it is known to cause overdoses, psychosis, make depression worse, give suicide ideation and sudden death syndrome

Wally was speaking on Morning Mix where he said  very normal people are suffering and the people peddling these drugs are parasites, the worst type of humanity.

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