South East Radio has the perfect summer holiday for you.
Is your Passport in date and are you available to travel on Sunday 10th of June for 8 fantastic nights? Then you could win places on the plane for 4 people.
We’ll include flights, transfers and your accommodation.
South East Radio’s Where in the World in association with O’Leary Travel. Its knowledge, connections and expertise makes sure your holiday is exactly what you imagine – every time. Travel Perfect!
But how do you win? Well all you have to do is find the tickets to win places on the plane for you and your family (4 people).
We have virtually hidden the tickets somewhere in the world and you just have to find them. The longer you listen to South East Radio the easier it will be and the more chances you have to win!
Each presenter on South East Radio’s Breakfast, Morning Mix, All Request Lunch and Drive Time will invite you to register to play.
During these show one listener will be picked to come on-air and ask ONE question only (which must be answered with a yes or no). Whoever guesses the correct virtual destination & location of the tickets will be jetting off on holidays. Stay tuned to South East Radio to WIN.
Terms and Conditions
NB Only guesses made live on air will be accepted. Guesses by email or on Facebook, or Twitter or by text, even if they are correct will not be considered.
- South East Radio reserves the right to use all recorded or live material involved in the Competition on air or in press. The winner may also be required by South East Radio to participate in a photo shoot. South East Radio has the right to use such publicity photos in any medium (including, without limitation, the internet) and in any reasonable manner it sees fit.
- Contestants will be judged successfully or unsuccessfully to have identified South East Radio’s Where in the World ticket location according to the discretion of the Management of South East Radio. All decisions of South East Radio as to whether or not a contestant has identified the ticket location correctly shall be final and no discussions or correspondence will be entertained.
- The promotion will run between 7.00am and 6.00pm week days from Monday 30th April to Monday 14th May 2018.
- The Contestant correctly identifying South East Radio’s exact Where in the World ticket location will win the prize.
- The prize winner will be notified on air at the time of winning by telephone.
- The prize winner will be required to pick up their prize from South East Radio, Custom House Quay, Wexford.
- No cash alternative will be awarded in lieu of the stated prize. Prizes are non-transferable and will only be awarded to the winner. You must be available to travel on the specified date.
- The prize maybe more suited to a family.
- Employees of South East Radio and their immediate families are ineligible to enter. Employees of all associated sponsors and their immediate families are ineligible to enter. Employees of all promotional partners and their families are also ineligible to enter.
- All entrants must be over the age of 18 years of age. Proof of identity may be required.
- If in the course of a telephone call, the telephone line drops out or breaks up South East Radio may proceed to another caller. In such event, South East Radio will not be responsible for the awarding of any prize to the caller whose line dropped out or broke up.
- In all matters, all decisions of South East Radio staff will be final and cannot be contested. No correspondence or discussions will be entertained