Senator Byrne Proposes Culture Card for Young People to Support Live Cultural Events

Fianna Fáil Senator Malcolm Byrne has called for a €200 Culture Card to be given to every Irish resident on their 18th birthday that they can use for live cultural events.
Senator Byrne said arts organisations would be encouraged to incentivise young people to attend their events. These would include theatre, exhibitions, concerts and musical festivals.
In the first year of operation, the card would be given to all young persons resident in the State aged 18 to 24 in recognition that this age group missed out on many cultural experiences due to Covid.
The measure would cost €83 million in the first year and then €12 million for each subsequent year.
Senator Malcolm Byrne said: “Many arts organisations have expressed a desire to attract younger audiences and we are also conscious that young people missed out on a lot during Covid.
“Introducing a Youth Culture Card, similar to those that exist in other EU member states, will encourage a real awakening in live cultural activity in Ireland and will also challenge arts venues to offer incentives to young people to spend their card’s value with them.
“In the development of our communities, Fianna Fáil places great emphasis on the arts and culture and will continue to invest in the sector.”
Italy was the first country to introduce such a card and similar cards aimed at attracting young people to cultural events are in place in France, Germany and Spain.
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