Rosslare Councillor calls for resources to “combat horror” drug problem in Wexford

A Wexford Councillor has reiterated his claims that Wexford has long been used as a major smuggling point for drugs.

It comes following the seizure of €17 million with of cocaine on a remote farm in Kilmuckridge in Gorey on Monday as part of a multinational investigation with Europol that has taken down a criminal communication platform.

Jim Codd has commended the work of the Gardai:

“The huge haul of cocaine that was discovered in North Wexford during the week highlights what I have been saying, that Wexford has been used for the smuggling of very dangerous large quantities of hard drugs. I want to compliment the Guards all those involved in seizing this large find.”

Mr Codd highlighted the importance of holding the big operators to account and not to punish the victims who have succumbed to addiction:

“I am glad to see our efforts put in to confronting the big operators.

This is where our energies need to be, not the unfortunate individual who has ended up addicted to these poisons.

I think we need to pursue the cartels, we need to pursue the gangs, we need to pursue the big money men whose faces are rarely seen.”

However, a new horror has been highlighted as different types of manufactured opioids are becoming all to common locally and many are becoming addicted unbeknownst to themselves.

“Sadly, we must now add to these horrors: synthesized heroin, which is all too common in Ireland and all too common in Wexford at the moment.

Now, people are finding themselves addicted to synthesized opium without even knowing that they are taking a farm of heroin.

This synthesized opium created often in garages by would-be chemists can be made cheaper and more easily and is readily available.

People often don’t realise that they are taking it and then people find themselves hooked on this terrible drug.”

Councillor Codd has made a worried call that a lot more energy needs to be put into combatting this insidious problem that we face in Wexford:

“That is the new problem we face and one that we need all of our imagination and all of our resources to combat.”

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