Petrol And Diesel Prices Could Fall For Motorists


Motorists could be in for some rare good news.

Petrol and diesel prices have been coming down in recent weeks, with oil prices at their lowest point in years.

Now events on the Chinese stock markets could bring even lower prices.

The Irish Petrol Retailers Association says prices have dropped by over 50 cent a litre in the past two years.

And spokesman David Blevings says there could be further falls.

“We will see a cent and a half to two cents up by the end of this month” he said.

“It does take two to three weeks for it to feed into the retail supply chain, so there is another discount coming in”.

“the good news (is that) Goldman Sachs have forecast it could go as low as 20 dollars a barrel – and that looks likely now because the Chinese economy has slowed down” he added.

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