McDonald’s campaign to tackle litter in Gorey welcomed by local councillor 

A litter campaign led by McDonald’s in Ireland – aimed at tackling litter in parks, on paths and along roadsides in towns and cities across the country – has been welcomed by Wexford County Councillor Donal Kenny.

The ’100 Parks in 100 Days’ campaign will see McDonald’s employees undertake 100 litter clean-ups in parks, beaches and nature areas across Ireland for 100 days from July until October.

Led by the 19 local franchisees across McDonald’s estate of 95 restaurants in Ireland, the clean-up events are being supported by local councils, elected representatives, schools and volunteer groups.

Councillor Donal Kenny, who attended the litter pick at Ballymoney Beach commented:

“I was delighted to join the McDonald’s Gorey team at their litter pick and applaud their efforts for doing this. To see a company like McDonald’s launching initiatives like 100 Parks in 100 Days is a very positive step and shows their commitment to cracking down on litter in local communities.”

McDonald’s Gorey Franchisee Amir Afsar commented:

“We take our environmental responsibilities very seriously at McDonald’s and we very much share the disappointment of local communities at seeing litter discarded carelessly in parks, on paths and by the sides of roads. This collaborative ‘100 Parks in 100 Days’ campaign between our restaurants and local communities reinforces our strong commitment to tackling litter issues across Ireland.”

Across Ireland and the UK, McDonald’s staff collect 27 tonnes of litter every year, on litter patrols that take place around every restaurant three times a day. McDonald’s crew members also cover a total of 5,000 miles each week picking up all waste, be it the brand’s own packaging or that of other restaurants and retailers.

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