Local Radio a vital component in our democracy

Newly elected MEP Cynthia Ní Mhurchú calls on Minister Catherine Martin to include specific funding for local radio news and current affairs services in any decision on a future funding model for broadcast media in Ireland. 

Ireland South MEP Cynthia Ní Mhurchú has highlighted the profound challenges that face local radio stations in the provision of vital news and current affairs programming. She is calling on Minister Catherine Martin to consider a package of direct funding supports for the provision of local news and current affairs services at a local level in broadcast media. 

According to Ní Mhurchú, the local and European election campaign has highlighted the vital role that local broadcast media is playing in Irish life, 

“Local radio stations are covering local elections, court sittings, council meetings, investigating spending at local level and holding those in power to account. Their function is vital to our democracy and I saw this first hand on the campaign when running for a seat in Ireland South”

Ní Mhurchú pointed to the US and UK media markets where local media has been in decline for over 10 years with many local radio stations and print outlets shutting their doors. 

“At a time when we are fighting disinformation, local radio is providing local reliable news that is holding power to account, giving credible local information and news and informing local communities about what is happening in their area. This is a public service and if we want it to continue and thrive, we need to look at ways to fund it. We have funded public service broadcasting at RTE for decades, and rightly so, but we need to now expand our funding model to meet new realities and take into the account the important job that local radio newsrooms are doing” 

According to Ní Mhurchú

“Minister Catherine Martin is expected to make an announcement within weeks on a future funding model for Irish broadcast media. It is my understanding that, as things stand, there are no plans to introduce a dedicated funding model specifically for local radio news and current affairs. I feel this is a mistake and I am calling on the minister to consider the importance of local newsrooms in her decision and to specifically ring fence a funding stream for them”

Cynthia was speaking to Alan Corcoran on Morning Mix and you can listen back here:

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