Independent Councillor Calls for More Large-Scale Housing to Tackle North Wexford Shortage

The lack of 4 and 5 bedroom housing availability was the subject of discussion at a recent sitting of Wexford County Council.

The problem is particularly prominent in the North Wexford area – according to Councillor Nicky Boland.

There are lengthy waiting lists for larger houses, and it’s for this reason that the Independent Councillor is calling for some future home constructs in the region, to be bigger in scale.

The Gorey Municipal District member explained his rationale for making the call to South East Radio News:

“There’s quite a substantial amount of people with large families who have teenage boys and girls that need separate rooms and I think the need for some four or five bedroom houses in especially North Wexford anyway. I have come across quite a few number of families that would be looking for a four or five bedroom house but unfortunately the waiting time for especially a five bedroom house is very, very substantial, and even four bedrooms – not too many of them are coming on stream.”

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