Flu and COVID-19 vaccination clinics in South East open to eligible members of the public

Flu and COVID-19 vaccination clinics taking place across the South East for healthcare workers are now also available on a walk-in/no appointment necessary basis to members of the general public in ‘at risk’ groups.

As part of its encouragement to parents to ensure their children are up to date with the Flu vaccine, the HSE are also running a number of free nasal spray vaccine clinics at locations in the South East for children aged two to 17 years old.

Adults in the following groups, without any charge, can attend as regards getting a Flu Vaccine:

·         Anyone aged 60 or over.

·         Those who are pregnant.

·         Someone with a health condition that puts them at higher risk of Flu

·         Those living with someone who has a health condition that puts them at higher risk of Flu

·         A carer for someone who has a health condition that puts them at higher risk of Flu.

·         Those in regular contact with pigs, poultry or waterfowl.

Adults in the following groups, without any charge, can attend as regards getting a COVID-19 Vaccine:

·         People age 60 and older.

·         Anyone aged six months to 59 years with a weak immune system.

·         Those aged six months to 59 years with a condition that puts them at high risk of serious illness from COVID-19.

·         Those who are pregnant.

Monday 20th of January:

 ·         From 10am to 3pm in the HSE’s Wexford Vaccination Centre, Grounds of St John’s Hospital, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford (Y21 H4CF).

 Monday 20th of January:

You can get your COVID-19 booster and Flu vaccine at the same time. The Flu vaccine is also available from GPs and pharmacies. For those eligible, the COVID-19 booster vaccination is available from GPs and pharmacies. The HSE has recently completed a programme of Flu and COVID-19 booster vaccinations for residents and staff in both public and privately run long term care facilities. The HSE has ongoing clinics in place for healthcare workers to receive both Flu and COVID-19 booster vaccinations. All healthcare workers and people in at-risk groups are urged to get the Flu Vaccine. Likewise, all those eligible for a COVID-19 booster are being encouraged to receive it.

As high numbers of people presenting with symptoms of respiratory illness is placing pressure on hospitals (in order to protect patients and staff, visiting restrictions are in place across some hospitals), the HSE is asking everyone to help stop the spread of Flu by staying at home if you’re sick. If you need care, visit your pharmacy, GP or family doctor, GP Out of Hours or an injury unit for non-serious issues like fractures or burns. Also, remember to wash your hands and cover your coughs and sneezes. If you’re having trouble breathing or feel chest pain, go to the emergency department or call 112 or 999.

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