Some Concerns Over Enniscorthy Flood Relief Works Raised


Plans are advancing for works to commence on the Enniscorthy Flood Relief Programme.

However some members of the local Municipal Authority have issues they want addressed.

The project, which is thought will cost in the region of 40 million euro, will have it’s draft plan signed off on by members of the authority later this month.

It’s expected the preliminary work will get underway in the summer with the completed project expected to be in place in around 2 years time.

The flood relief programme has been approved in general but members are still concerned about some of the specifics of the project.

Councillor James Browne is adamant the planned new pedestrian bridge over the river Slaney must be aesthetically pleasing and serve as a tourist attraction for the town.

While Councillor Paddy Kavanagh is concerned about the traffic flow once the relief programme is in place and is insisting on a detailed traffic management plan being unveiled before the plans are signed off on.

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