Michael Sheehan has been at the forefront of efforts to stop the outsourcing of the postmaster position at New Ross post office. According to the New Ross Councillor, An Post has assured both the public and Minister Jack Chambers in the past that they were only planning to move the service, not vacate the Charles Street building. However, new developments suggest otherwise. Cllr Sheehan has received information indicating that prospective new postmasters in New Ross have been told they are not required to stay in the current building, and they may relocate the post office to another part of town or their own premises.
Michael Sheehan strongly opposes this potential move, fearing that it could lead to the eventual closure of the Charles Street post office. He has vowed to continue his campaign to keep the post office in its current location, stating, “We will not allow An Post to close our post office or relocate it without a fight. We must ensure that our post office remains in Charles Street, where it belongs, for the people of New Ross.”
The rising cost of postage has also become a point of contention. Just this week An Post announced increases to stamp prices. Michael Sheehan noted that the price hikes, including a 20c increase for domestic stamps and a 45c increase for international stamps, are being justified by An Post as necessary due to higher operational costs and the decline in mail volume. However, Sheehan disputes this reasoning, pointing out that despite the decline in traditional mail, parcel services and other retail offerings from An Post are thriving.
Mr Sheehan believes that these price increases are an easy way for An Post to cover costs rather than exploring other options, such as increasing efficiency. In New Ross, in particular, they are still experiencing strong postal demand, with long queues at the post office every Thursday and Friday. In his view, raising prices could discourage people from using the service rather than encourage them.
The councillor has raised these concerns with the new Minister of State with responsibility for An Post, Charlie McConalogue, urging the government to intervene. “The government has a significant role in how An Post operates. If they want to raise prices, they need to ensure that they don’t close down post offices like New Ross in the process,” Sheehan stated.