People in Wexford had disposable income of just over €25,942 in 2023

Recent figures have revealed that people in Wexford had disposable income of €25,942 in 2023.

In 2022 it was €24,500.

A CSO study shows the figure for Dublin was €32,000, 14% higher than the national average, of over €29,000  and was up 1.3% from 2022.

That was followed by Cork and Limerick, where it was over €29,000 in both counties

Longford recorded the lowest disposable income per person at just over €22, 200, while the county with the second lowest was Laois with a similar income.

According to the CSO, Dublin and Cork benefits from the presence of key economic sectors like information and communication.

While the border and midlands region remains below the national average and largely dependent on the Public Administration sector to generate wealth and employment in their respective regions.

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