Love your coast photography competition sees over half of shortlisted pictures taken in Co. Wexford

At an event on October 17th,  An Taisce’s Clean Coasts Programme proudly announced the winning photographers of the 15th edition of the Love Your Coast photography competition, held in Richmond Barracks, Dublin. With a prize fund of €5000, the competition has attracted hundreds of amateur photographers from all around Ireland this year, each with their own unique way of capturing stunning photographs of Ireland’s beautiful coastline.

William Murphy won the overall ‘Photographer of the Year’ title as well as 1st place in the ‘People and the Coast’ category in the Clean Coasts 2024 Love Your Coast photography competition with his photo ‘An Fear Marbh agus an Fear ag eitilt’, taken at Slea Head Drive, Dingle, Co. Kerry.

Wexford and in particular the Saltee Islands has proven that it is a hotspot for Wildlife photography in this year’s Love Your Coast photography competition, with 5 out of the top 10 photos in this category taken in county Wexford.

John Edgeworth took second place in the Wildlife and the Coast category with his photo “Cormorants Saltee Islands”, taken at the Saltee Islands in Wexford. “The Saltee Islands is such an exciting place to visit to view and photograph the amazing range of sea birds on the island”, John said of his photo.

Also in the top ten in the Wildlife and the Coast category taken in Wexford are, Tom Ormond’s photo, Grey Seal Pup, taken at Kilmore Quay Coast, as well as Samantha O’Connor with “Glorious Gannet”, Sean Paterson, with “Trash to Treasure”, and Isabel Doody, with “Puffin Calling”, all three which were taken at the Saltee Islands, Co. Wexford.

Winners in all categories included: 

Coastal Landscape: John Hooton, ‘Fog on the 3 Sisters’, Clogher Head Dingle Co. Kerry

Heritage on the Coast: Joe Silke, ‘Fisherman’s Hut’, Connemara, Co. Galway

Wildlife and the Coast: Lisa Farrell, ‘Peeping Tom’, Whitestrand Beach Miltown Malbay Co. Clare

Underwater: Eabha A. Hughes, ‘Peek-A-Boo!’, Pollock Holes, Kilkee, Co. Clare

People and the Coast: William Murphy, An Fear Marbh agus an Fear ag eitilt’, Slea Head Drive, Dingle, Co. Kerry

*For a full list of top 10 images in each category and runners-up, please see the editor’s notes. 

In the 15 years since its inception in 2010, the Love Your Coast photography competition has been a celebration of the extraordinary beauty of Ireland’s coastline, that Clean Coasts’ volunteers work diligently to protect.

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is proud to support An Taisce’s ‘Clean Coasts Programme’, in its enthusiastic engagement with marine communities in relation to marine litter and in raising public awareness and influencing positive behaviour among civil society.

Clean Coasts is also sponsored by Fáilte Ireland, the National Tourism Development Authority. Initiatives from associated Clean Coasts groups and the Green Coast Awards act as custodians for Ireland’s beaches, seas, and marine life, to maintain that they are managed appropriately and that they are litter and pollution free for our visitors to enjoy!

An Taisce’s Clean Coasts Programme Manager, Bronagh Moore said ” The Love Your Coast photography competition is one of the highlights of An Taisce’s Clean Coasts calendar. It is a wonderful reminder of why the work we do with communities to help protect and care for Ireland’s waterways, coastline, seas, ocean and marine life, is so important. Seeing the beauty of our coastline captured in these photographs, you can’t help but feel inspired and driven to do everything you possibly can to protect and care for our marine environment. Knowing we are supporting over 2,000 volunteer groups who dedicate their time to keeping our coastline and ocean litter free is hugely rewarding for our team on the ground. We’d encourage everyone to take the time to really enjoy all of these wonderful photos, be inspired by their beauty, and consider volunteering with a local Clean Coast Group.

The Love Your Coast photography competition stands as a testament to Ireland’s coastal beauty and character, as captured through the lens of talented photographers who take part in the competition year after year. Clean Coasts wants to congratulate each of the winning and shortlisted photographers and thank them for being part of this year’s competition.

William Murphy WInner of Photographer of the Year LYC 2024 with his winning photo An Fear MArch agus An Fear Ag Eitilt. Photo: Naoise Culhane Photography – no fee
18-10-24 Category Winners for LYC 2024 with their photos
Photo: Naoise Culhane Photography – no fee
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