Enniscorthy Councillor hits out at decision not to reinstate traffic warden at primary school: ‘how much do you spend on a child’s life?’

It has been confirmed that the traffic warden at one of the countries largest primary schools will not be replaced.

With over 1000 pupils crossing roads in and out of the school daily, St. Aidans in Enniscorthy has been left without a warden due to retirement.

At this months Enniscorthy Municipal District Meeting, road safety officer David Codd, said that there will be no new warden appointed.

Mr Codd stated that he conducted an assessment and there are safe places to cross the roads leading to the school.

This decision has been met with anger by local Councillors and Jackser Owens spoke to South East Radio News airing his frustrations:

“I’m calling on David Codd and the Road Authority to employ a school traffic warden as soon as possible.

He said he spent 300,000 on road safety. How much money do you spend on a child’s life?”

He went on to say that children are being put at risk and that it has to be seen to be believed:

“You have to stand on the road, not sit in an office. You have to stand on the road and see how dangerous it is for children going to St. Aidans.”

Mr. Owens said that he would like to have a meeting with David Codd to discuss the matter.

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