Minister outlines package to make Wexford roads safer – after a tragic week on the roads in the County

Reduced speed limits are being introduced, with the intention that a 60 kilometre per hour limit on local roads will be in place by November, according to the Minister of State at the Department of Transport, James Lawless.

The plan will also see speed capped at 80km/h on national secondary roads where the limit currently stands at 100km/h.

Mr Lawless was visiting Wexford yesterday and spoke to Alan Corcoran on Morning Mix, where he outlined a number of new strategies that are being implemented to reduce the number of road deaths and make Ireland’s roads safer.

Most recently a 23 year old woman lost her life on a Wexford road on Tuesday when the car she was driving was involved in a collision with two other vehicles near Larkins Cross.

Wexford County Council will have the discretion to set their own speed limits on certain roads but unless a new speed limit is officially set, the default speed limits will apply.

The Minister says that these new limits are part of a whole package to deal with the issues on the roads. One part of the package will see Gardai have commit to 30 minutes of roads policing for every shift:

“Every uniform Gardai that goes onto the beat will be spending at least 30 minutes doing visible roads policing. Statistics show that this is a deterrent if you see a Guard at the side of the road. We are also going to be looking at the penalty point system and bringing in a staggered system. I am also looking at awareness courses for problem drivers.”



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