‘The battle against housing and homelessness is being lost’ according to a Wexford Councillor

A local Councillor has said he is sick and tired of attending housing meetings where he is led to believe that things are under control.

His comments come in light of the latest housing and homeless figures:

There are currently 3213 people looking for a house across Co. Wexford. In contrast, there are four houses available on the Councils Choice Based Letting website – three in Wexford and one in Enniscorthy.

Aontu Councillor, Jim Codd, spoke to South East Radio News about the issue:

“We have to be realistic about how badly we are now losing this battle. The calls to the Council have more that doubled in the last year. From January to September this year there has been 2,500 calls to the Council about housing and homelessness. I think its about time that this government became real about what our people are going through in relation to housing and homelessness. 2500 people did not call the County Council for a chat.”


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