New Sinn Fein candidate for Rosslare to put forward motion to protect women at Party Ard Fheis

Sinn Féin expects to gain all seats lost in previous elections and more in the upcoming elections.

The housing crisis, a united Ireland and building a better fairer Ireland will dominate Sinn Fein’s two day Ard Fheis which gets underway in Athlone, today.

Sinn Féin Vice President Michelle O’Neill will deliver the key note address, during which she will set out the type of change she wants to deliver if she becomes First Minister in the North in coming weeks.

The party’s latest candidate for the Rosslare District, Aoife Rose O’Brien, outlined a motion she is bringing forward that will be discussed today:

“I brought forward a motion to our local members who submitted it. Its a Garda register for previous offenders of domestic violence. It would be similar to that that is already in place in the UK, Canada and Australia. So it is just following suit and would provide further protection for our people.”

Aoife Rose, 31, who is a Bridgetown native, says that issues in the country at the moment are affecting her directly, and she said that is what encouraged her to get involved in politics.

“I’m 31, living at home, raising my child under my parents roof. I’ve always worked hard and saved and have been so close to owning my own home on numerous occasions but now it just feels so far out of reach. So housing is something that I will be wanting to work on.”

Other areas that Ms. O’Brien will be focusing on includes healthcare, “I personally wont stop until I see the change created”.


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