5000 litres of fuel saved in Wexford since the introduction of E-scooters

Upto 7000 KM’s have been recorded on Bolt E-Scooters since they were introduced into Wexford last month.

That’s a saving of 5,000 liters of fuel in less than four weeks.

That’s according to the Cathaoirleach of Wexford County Council Pip Breen.

Cllr Breen said it can only be a positive with climate change coming down the track & we need to give them a chance

Speaking to South East Radio he said, “See what’s happening in Europe, hundreds of people homeless, thousands of people homeless and a couple of dozen killed drowned with massive floods that aren’t unheard of. Same across the world. I do believe that we give everything a chance. Scooters, the electric bikes.  5,000 litres of fuel is a lot of fuel to save in the town. In the same week that people are giving out about the scooters there was a chap caught doing 150 kilometres an hour in a car and tested positive for drugs.”


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