Rosslare RNLI assist two yachts in the Round Ireland Yacht Race

The Rosslare Harbour all-weather lifeboat was launched yesterday (June 22) at 5.35pm following a call from The Irish Coast Guard.

 The initial call related to a yacht that had grounded on a sandbank near Cahore Point. As the Rosslare Harbour Severn class lifeboat approached the scene, the yacht refloated on the rising tide No further intervention was necessary. The crew were unharmed.

 However, just as this was happening, a further request was received to assist another yacht a little further north,with an injured crew man onboard. The injured crew member was taken aboard the lifeboat and brought safely back to Rosslare Harbour where an awaiting ambulance took him into the care of the medical services. The remaining six crew members were safe and well.

 The Rosslare Harbour RNLI lifeboat returned to the pen at 8 pm where it was washed down and refuelled, ready for service.

 The seas were calm in a southerly force 2/3 There was no rain. Visibility was good.

 The Rosslare Harbour RNLI volunteer crew were: Eamon O’Rourke, Coxswain. Keith Morris, Mechanic. Paul McCormack. Andrew Ironside. Seán Cullen.

 Speaking following the call out, Jamie Ryan, Rosslare Harbour RNLI Lifeboat Operations Manager said: ‘We would like to commend the saiors for raising the alarm when they knew they were in difficulty, that is always the right thing to do and we wish them well. We also want to thank our colleagues in the ambulance service. This is another example of excellent cooperation with emergency service colleagues..

‘As we approach the summer months, we encourage anyone planning a trip or activity at sea to always go prepared. Check weather and tides before venturing out, carry the right equipment for a safe journey including a means of communication. Always wear a lifejacket or suitable flotation device for your activity. Should you get into difficulty or see someone else in trouble, call 999 or 112 and ask for the Coast Guard.’


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